Chapter 251: The True Face of Noah's Ark (Third update, asking for monthly tickets)

Within the pillar of light, a radiant woman in a white robe appears, opening a pair of eyes that resembled the stars. Her voice, clear as a spring, declares: "I guard this world; it is my duty to protect this place, Xingyu. You were not supposed to enter this world, to bring about this contention."

The golden armored man, on seeing the radiant woman, abandons his plan to leave. He suggests: "Guardian of Black Iron, shall we join forces to destroy this creature? Otherwise, he will continue to bring greater disturbances here… possibly causing greater damage."

Upon hearing their conversation, Xingyu subtly clenches his fists, on guard. If the woman agrees, he must strike first.

The radiant woman slightly furrows her brows, responding dismissively: "My duty is to protect this world. Leave this world quickly; it cannot bear your powers!"

As she speaks, her voice elevates slightly. Her star-like eyes sweep over Xingyu and the golden armored man.