Chapter 258: Sudden Breakthrough, Entering the 6th Order (First update, asking for monthly tickets)

(Yesterday we gained over twenty votes, still lacking about twenty votes, which would bring the total to three hundred votes and then immediately add ten thousand words the next day, definitely abiding by these words. In the future, for every fifty more votes, I will add another ten thousand words based on the basic daily update of ten thousand words. Everyone who has votes, throw them over here.)

-------(The words above are free.)

Wang Yiping had a sudden realization, then raised a thumb to the newly arrived Yang Shenghua, and said: "Yang Shenghua, you're really despicable enough, I would never think of such an idea."

Sitting on the back of the Iron Bird, Jin Fuhua had a mild smile on his face, but internally he was sizing up the abilities and strength of the Sixth-order Powerhouses fighting in the sky, thinking of ways to handle them. He had his plans in mind while also continuously glancing at Su Yu.