Chapter 261: Divine Source Stone

As the indifferent voice trailed off, an arm in the void tore apart the space as easily as tearing a piece of paper.

In the midst of this rift, a ten-meter tall eagle-headed golden creature emerged, spreading its radiant golden wings like a deity descending to the ground.

Startled by the appearance of the eagle-headed golden creature for the third time, Su Yu raised his eyes. The emotions that were stirred within him were hard to define, especially considering he did not expect this creature's return at such a crucial moment.

The changing expressions of the white-robed woman inside the light pillar, and the three golden men surrounding Su Yu from above, caused them to collectively retreat.

Initially, Su Yu thought the three golden men and the eagle-headed golden creature were similar. However, upon the creature's appearance and subsequent comparison between the two, Su Yu realised they were different.