Chapter 265: Jade Yellow Crystal Mine (2nd update, asking for monthly tickets)

Meng Ting and the others were jumpy as startled birds, giving up on the Jade Yellow Crystal Mine deep within the cave, intending to leave as soon as possible. They had been without water and food for days, trapped for two days, frightened and anxious, hardly in the mood to think about the crystal mine.

"Yes, we'll look for more Jade Yellow Crystal Mines when we're better prepared next time or in other places. This place is too weird. Su Yu, we should leave quickly." Ma Ziye also called out.

Su Yu glanced at them, understanding the fear that had gripped them over the past few days, thus causing them to react this way. Holding back a smile he said, "It's fine, aren't they just a bunch of Level 5 Earth Warriors? Since we've already found the Jade Yellow Crystal Mine, why should we give up and leave now?"