Chapter 267: Life Ore (1st Update)

Upon hearing this, everyone was slightly taken aback. Meng Ting quickly made a decision, "Dragon Kid, first go down and check if it really is the Life Ore. If it is, we will immediately take these 'Life Ores' away and then leave this place."

Encountering the "Life Ore" was a rare opportunity. Even Meng Ting was tempted and instructed Dragon Kid to go down and verify its authenticity.

Dragon Kid nodded, then jumped onto Su Yu's shoulder and said, "Take me down to check."

Below was a mass of darkness. Currently, Dragon Kid didn't have the ability to see in the dark. Armed with the experience of his first trip, Su Yu soon descended into the hundred-meter deep cave with Dragon Kid. He conjured golden lightning to illuminate the surrounding darkness as they delved deeper into the abyss.