Chapter 269: The Beast Mountain Range (3rd Update)

At that moment, they all understood. That Life Ore must have been swallowed by the swelling Category 5 Lifeform, which then swallowed a bit of Jade Yellow Crystal Mine on the outside, tricking them all in the process.

"Daring to toy with me...." The face of the dark-robed middle-aged man turned frightfully somber. For the first time in his life, he had been made a fool, and by a group that appeared to be quite weak. His dark robe rustled in the high-speed wind, constantly quavering, seemingly expressing his raging and intense emotions at the moment.

The black Category 5 Lifeform seemed to have evolved to a higher level than Ada, its speed was indescribable. Carrying the five people, it dashed at a high speed, continuously twitching its nose. Soon, Ada, Su Yu and the others had reappeared far ahead.