Chapter 275: Challenging Wang Di (Third update, asking for monthly tickets)

"Sir, don't let him influence you, we are serious." After killing Zhang Zi, this Level Five powerhouse looked solemnly at Su Yu, waiting for his response.

"To fight Wang Di alone… the winner… becomes the new village leader.... huh…" Su Yu faintly smiled with his hands down, then looked at the Level Five powerhouse in front of him, saying: "But I regret to tell you, I have zero interest in becoming the new village leader."

The Level Five powerhouse was stunned for a moment, then Su Yu smiled again and said: "However, I am very interested in challenging Wang Di. I've always wanted to see just how powerful this crazy fight maniac from the legends really is."

The Level Five powerhouse was suddenly overjoyed, just about to speak, when Su Yu suddenly grabbed his head. The Golden Claw gradually appeared, casting an uncertain and fearful expression on this twisting face.