Chapter 278: Su Yu Battles Wang Di (3rd update, seeking monthly pass) _2

Su Yu, in the midst of a fast pounce, sensed danger instinctively. With a pivot on his right foot, he swiftly sidestepped just in time to avoid Wang Di's laughing warning, "Cold Star Rapid Flash——". A blindingly bright blue light had been emitted from his black staff, similar to a laser beam. It narrowly skimmed past Su Yu, hitting a big boulder in the distance and exploded immediately, breaking the rock into fragments that rolled away in all directions, a sight undoubtedly impressive.

Su Yu, having evaded the "Cold Star Rapid Flash", vibrated his hands, showing his "Tooth Burst". With a wave, there was a series of popping sounds. The five "Tooth Burst" on his left arm shot towards Wang Di, with Su Yu's body following closely behind, almost as fast as the bursts themselves.

At this moment, he had confirmed that Wang Di was a ranged attacker. It was clear that he must shorten the distance between them to beat this kind of enemy; close combat would surely be Wang Di's fatal weakness.