Chapter 284: New Freedom Village (Third Update) _2

Zhang Zhongmou's rare blush prompted a stifled chuckle, as he said, "We are pure and upright, unlike you."

Ma Ziye rolled her eyes at him and said, "What kind of a remark is that? If you're pure and upright, are we not?"

Originally having a casual chat with Lei Rui and Zhou Birong on the other side, Su Yun overheard this and immediately turned to look over, calling out, "Zhang Zhongmou! What's all this about us not being pure? Are you implying there's something going on between Ziye and Su Yu..."

Zhang Zhongmou scoffed, "Why did Su Yu take only instant noodles to the Earth Elemental Space, let alone stay there for four days..."

Before he could continue, Su Yu sharply retorted, "Shut your trap, or believe me, I'll toss you headfirst into a sewer!"

Unafraid of Su Yu, Zhang Zhongmou smirked maliciously, "Well, come on, toss me in. Find a sewer first though — " his face one of unconcern, unafraid of any potential repercussions.