Chapter 285 Farewell (First Update)

The paper contains statistics on all two hundred and four residents of "Freedom Village", including their age, names and abilities.

Su Yu drew a sharp breath, his eyes immediately landing on a person of interest.

The names listed on this paper followed a hierarchy of power levels. At the top was Su Yu himself, followed by information including his name, age, level, and a brief description of his abilities. Following him was Meng Jun, Xu Ruyun, and five other Level Five powerhouses.

Meng Jun's ability was to liquefy his body into molten iron, which he could then mold into various weapons. His most potent ability was to summon the "Grim Reaper's scythe".

As for Xu Ruyun's power, it was related to a surgical scalpel. Even though he had entered the Level Five realm, his abilities remained largely the same.