Chapter 290: Standing on One's Own Two Feet (3rd Update, Asking for Monthly Tickets)

Su Yu was taken aback, then Ma Ziye continued, "At least right now, we can't go back to our old world. According to what Ada and the others have said, the whole of humanity will be embedded in this world in two years. If that's true, even if we find a way to go back, it would be pointless. We need to prepare in advance! Freedom Village might be good, but it still belongs to Meng Ting in the end. Don't you ever think about building our own village, our own home?"

Su Yu furrowed his brows. He truly hadn't thought about building their own village before. Rubbing his forehead, he said, "Ziye, aren't we doing well in Freedom Village right now? How did you suddenly think of establishing our own separate village? Did you…Have a conflict with Meng Ting? Or…"