Chapter 291: Midnight Scream (First update, asking for monthly tickets)

When we first entered the forest, Ada was in quite bad shape, on the verge of breaking through. But over the past few days, he had significantly improved. According to Ada, his attempt to break through had failed; it seemed that the number of people in the pact was still insufficient. If it had reached the maximum number of two hundred, then perhaps the growth would truly have reached stage five.

As soon as Su Yu finished speaking, he leapt out, leading the group back along the path they had previously cleared through the short mountain. The plants they had uprooted during their passage hadn't grown back completely, and the path was still visible. However, the plants in this place grew at an incredible rate; he suspected that before long, the path they had made would be completely overgrown.

The group then followed the same path back at an even greater speed.