Chapter 293: Serious Situation (Third update, seeking monthly ticket)_2

"Haha, we said we are going to die, and even if we do not talk we will die, do you actually think we will speak? Haha, our people will be here soon, they must've heard our screams. Even if we die, you guys will not live, haha... Even if you are a sixth-order powerhouse, you will die too—"

One of the two men on the ground who had their legs cut off was laughing madly, while the other suddenly began to curse, "You fucking idiot, couldn't you just babble some bullshit to buy us some time until the others come to rescue us? I fucking swear, if you want to die, don't drag me down with you."

After this reprimand, the one who had been laughing madly quieted down, only then realizing there was a possibility to survive. Instantly, he was filled with deep regret.