Chapter 295 Terrifying Scene (2nd update, asking for monthly ticket)

In a place that used to be a sports field, there now lays a massive pit with no visible bottom. The pit is filled with a liquid that emits a bloody red hue. Most horrifyingly, within this pulsating sea of red, there were mountains of corpses floating aimlessly.

A literal sea of blood on a mountain of corpses. Su Yu felt a chill crawl up his spine, as his entire body shivered at this horrifying sight.

Near the edge of this massive pit, there were unidentifiable giant machinery, its purpose and name unknown to Su Yu. One specifically odd piece of machinery, resembling a metallic column, extended into the sea of bodies, crunching and grinding the corpses much like a meat grinder. Body parts were strewn about. Even for Su Yu, who was no stranger to life-and-death situations, this gruesome scene was still beyond horrifying.