Chapter 297: Life Nest (Fourth update, requesting monthly ticket)

Under Su Yu's Level Six Gasification Mysterious Power, Gu Lingshuang's wounds on her hands and feet quickly healed. The madness on her face had also disappeared. She had been able to survive in this forest until now because she had braved countless dangers and passed numerous tests of endurance. Her mental resilience was quite formidable.

Finally, she regained her sanity from her frenzied state. Then, pushing Su Yu aside, she hurriedly held on to the animal skin clothes that Su Yu had thrown over her in an attempt to cover her naked body, but she was never quite able to fully cover herself.

Su Yu dared not look any longer and immediately moved to the side. At this point, three out of the four men in half-black half-white clothing were already dead, leaving only a Level-Five warrior alive. However, Su Yu had tied up the warrior's limbs, making it impossible for him to struggle free. With his hands and feet cut off, his pain was indescribable.