Chapter 303: Black and White City

Su Yu and Murong Dingyuan rushed into the factory, only to find that more than fifty men and women, dressed in half-black-half-white outfits, were standing in two lines, waiting respectfully for their arrival. At the end of these two lines of men and women was a rattan chair, upon which sat a middle-aged man, exuding an air of arrogance.

The middle-aged man was clad in a half-black-half-white robe. Perched on his left shoulder was a bizarre, tiny creature with a vertical eye, clearly a category 5 lifeform. The man was wearing black boots, nobly raising his leg and sitting on the rattan chair, petting the category 5 lifeform on his shoulder while coldly sizing up Su Yu and Murong Dingyuan who had just burst in.