Chapter 313: To Fight or To Flee? (First update)

No one had ever told Su Yu how to make another breakthrough as a sixth-order Black Iron Warrior. Su Yu could only explore on his own. When he sensed that his strength was subtly improving, Su Yu thought of this possibility, which invigorated him.

"Su Yu, how are you now?" Meng Bo asked in surprise, seeing Su Yu stand up and then fall silent.

"Ah, Mr. Meng? I'm fine... fine." Su Yu came to his senses, then picked up Ada, asking, "Ada, how about now?"

Ada still looked very exhausted. She just snorted, extended her tiny claw in a direction, and whispered, "Over there." Then she dropped her little claw and closed her eyes for more sleep.

Su Yu knew she was extremely tired, so he didn't disturb her any further. He held her in his arms and said to everyone, "Let's go. The others should be over there."

The direction Ada just pointed at was where the other eight people were located according to her.