Chapter 327: The Passage of Life

Yet this tranquility didn't last long. Su Yu, barely conscious in pseudo-death spectator state faintly heard rumbling noise in the sky. Many humans appeared again, searching the vicinity. Su Yu even felt the sensation of being pierced by a knife while in this near-death state. He was soon dismissed by they humans who assumed he was already dead.

After struggling for a while, Su Yu faintly felt the disappointing departure of these mysterious nameless visitors. Eventually, he lost consciousness, unsure if he even had a chance to regain awareness, an insuppressible air of sadness secretly welled up within him.

Was his life about to come to an end?

Su Yu lost consciousness as he wallowed in a trace of sadness and endless regret. After what felt like either a momentary flash, or an eternally long year, he regained a bit of consciousness and opened his eyes, only to realize that he was trapped within a desolate space of darkness.