Chapter 329 Sealing Eye_2

Ada was delighted at the sight of three "Day Coins," encouraging Su Yu to absorb them. Ada had already fully recovered thanks to the Fire Elemental Essence, no longer needing "Day Coins."

Upon absorbing the three "Day Coins", Su Yu felt rejuvenated, regaining some strength.

Ada said joyously, "Each Day Coin is equivalent to the life energy a normal human requires for a year of survival. These three can restore three years worth. Su Yu, rest assured that with three years, we can surely accumulate enough Time Coins to replenish the life energy you've lost."

Comforted by this, he felt rejuvenated upon absorbing the Day Coins. He noticed a slight reduction in the wrinkles on his face, hinting that if he found and absorbed more Day Coins, his wrinkles might completely disappear. However, the terrifying aftermath of summoning a Demon Divine Beast left him cautious—vowing never to summon one again. Not now, at least.