Chapter 335: Dark Resonance (3rd update)

Su Yu flipped his right hand, revealing the Golden Claw. With a "sizzle" sound, he shattered the person, weapon and all, before flinging the remains away with a mighty swing.

A strange expression of fear surfaced on Zhou Zexun's face. He had received news that Su Yu was too weak to move due to old age, which had encouraged him to blockade Su Yu's path with a band of men. However, he now realised that while Su Yu indeed looked aged, his strength had not faded in the least bit. This terrifying assessment made him retreat continuously, completely unwilling to stand in Su Yu's path.

"Let's go!" Seeing the people before him, Su Yu leapt onto the enormous form of Ada. In an instant, he, his companions and the dog vanished into the distance. Zhou Zexun lowered his gigantic bow and watched them leave blankly, his mind blank and his back drenched in cold sweat.