Chapter 338: The Arrival of the Dark Legion (6th Update) _2

"The vanguard of the Dark Legion, the parasites of the Darkness—"

The little girl's eyes, a constantly flashing and rotating pentagram, emanated a sound as if from a vacuum. Anoka and Gufu looked up, only to see from the dark hole in the sky that one after another cream-colored insects, similar in shape to a spine, were emerging.

This parasite had once appeared in the Heavenly Pit Forest. It was surprisingly the lowest-level creature in the "Dark World". When this parasite attached itself to a Goblin, it made the low-level Goblin unleash an incredibly powerful force, Even though this parasite was the lowest-level creature in the Dark World, it was still terrifying in this realm.

Parasites in great numbers were now crawling out from this dark crack in the sky and, like a swarm bowing to their queen, they lined up before the little girl, heads bowed, daring not to move.