Chapter 340 Meng Ting's Struggle (2nd update)

Because of these benefits, guarding the village entrance is now seen as a highly coveted position.

When Su Yu was blocked by these four men, he was taken aback by their arrogant expressions. He wondered if this was still the "Freedom Village" he knew. In "Freedom Village," he was stopped at the village gate and was ordered not to enter. How ridiculous is that?

Unconsciously, he thought of "Wangdi Village". How were the people in "Freedom Village" any different from those in "Wangdi Village" in the past? He still remembered telling Meng Ting that in order for "Freedom Village" to develop healthily, they couldn't let people do as they pleased. Otherwise, "Freedom Village" would inevitably end up like "Wangdi Village".

The reality, unfortunately, is that "Freedom Village" is now no different from "Wangdi Village".