Chapter 345: Bloody Fight (Chapter 4)

"Roar—" Su Yu roared, his right hand with the Golden Claw striking his chest. Almost at the same moment, the terrifying power of the Golden Blood surged, impacting the "Dark Heart" in his chest.

Although activating the power of the "Dark Heart" was painful, and caused numerous side effects, Su Yu did not hesitate to initiate it. He had to kill, he had to use blood and combat, to alleviate the current pain in his heart.

In an instant, everyone in "Freedom Village" felt an unbearable palpitation, which swept madly in all directions. Those standing in the hall were even more horrified to find Su Yu's white hair growing wildly. The Dark Energy spread madly, shaking the whole building at the same moment.

"Rumble, Rumble" Amidst the loud noise, with the roaring Su Yu standing at the center, the entire building suddenly collapsed. The scene was absolutely horrifying.