Chapter 361 Golden Bone

As he said this, Ouyang Nuo didn't seem to mind that Su Yu was just an outsider. He stretched out his left arm and rolled up his sleeve. Soon, something strange happened to his left arm - the flesh and blood gradually disappeared until all that was left was a skeletal frame.

Surprised, Su Yu wondered if this was Ouyang Nuo's special ability. His left arm was devoid of flesh, leaving behind a skeletal frame that was half shimmering in golden light, while the other half, including the finger bones, were still white.

With a sly smile, Ouyang Nuo took the two wood core fires gifted to him by Su Yu. Closing his hand bones around them, he immediately heard a sizzling sound. The golden glow of the wood core fires began to spread from his white fingers, gradually turning the snow-white bones into golden luminescent ones.