Chapter 362 Heart of Jianmu - A Terrifying World (Please vote monthly)_2

"This is... the Heart of Jianmu..." Ada muttered to herself, lifting her head to look above on the tree wall, as if something more interesting caught her attention there.

Su Yu squinted slightly and lifted his gaze, only to see a hole of absolute darkness.

This "Heart of Jianmu", which resembled a human heart, was lodged at the entrance of the black hole. The patterns it radiated spread like dense spiders' webs all over the upper tree wall.

"Su Yu... I something is...calling me..." Ada mumbled, then shook her head: "But... the pulling scares me..."

Listening to Ada's murmur, Su Yu felt as if something was calling out to her. He couldn't help but take a few more steps forward, staring at the black hole walled up by the "Heart of Jianmu". Slowly, he also began to hear a sound calling to him.

The sound was indescribably eerie and strange, a cold needle-like sensation piercing into his brain, causing Su Yu's expression to change, and he took a step back.