Chapter 367: The Destructive Demons (5th Update)

The entire frozen Eastern World has completely melted and collapsed. Everything that met the eye was white and boundless; the entire East had miraculously transformed into a vast ocean. Above this roaring ocean, one could occasionally see icebergs sinking into the sea. Countless drifting ice floes floated along with the waves, slowly melting.

The world that was once covered in snow and ice had disappeared. The majestic Skeleton Ice City had also vanished. At least, with Su Yu's current vision, he could not see that far. He could only see the horizon where the sea met the sky. The towering mountains of the Demon Beast Mountain Range obstructed this ocean. Su Yu looked at the waves crashing not far away, his heart remained unsettled for a long time.

"Ada..." Su Yu quickly looked at Ada, only to see her body convulsing, completely drenched with cold sweat.