Chapter 379 Overwhelming Power (Fifth Update)

Zhang Jianfa, who was nearing the Sixth Order Peak, barely managed a "small" in response before he could react. As for Zhang Jiandao, who only reached the Fifth Order Peak, he felt a sudden rush of wind before a gush of blood sprayed out with a "chi" sound.

"Ah!" Zhang Jiandao let out a crazy scream. He felt severe pain in his left ear as Su Yu had grabbed hold of it. Then, with a downward pull, Su Yu ripped off his left ear along with a good chunk of skin from his face.

The pain was indescribable. Zhang Jiandao's left face was instantly drenched in blood as almost half his face was torn off. Blood surged out, mingled with fresh flesh. He covered his cheek and shrieked. Su Yu then backed to his original position and threw the bloody left ear he held onto the ground.