Chapter 381 Resisting Black Iron City (First Update)

He'd only taken a couple steps when he suddenly felt as if a steel hook was lodged in his back, hei body flying as if riding mist and cloud, before being forcefully thrown to the side. Rolling on the ground, he ended up next to Lika Xiya, who was sprawled out on the floor.

"You damned woman, you damned woman! It was all because of you and your demands that I went to the machines. All because of you did I provoke them. Bloody harlot, it's all your fault--"

Suddenly, Zhang Jiandao rose in a fit of frenzy. His hands tightly gripped Lika Xiya's frail throat, strangling her, his face twisted as if possessed.

Lika Xiya's eyes widened as Zhang Jiandao's manic grip on her throat caused them to bulge out. Her face grew more and more purple, fresh blood and saliva frothing from her mouth.

In the end, Lika Xiya's gaze fragmented, darkness setting in as Zhang Jiandao strangled her to death in a fit of madness.