Chapter 384: Black Iron City's Counterattack (4th update)

This white-clothed man pushed away with ease, shattering the double-layer shield that Wang Yiping had struggled to conjure, causing this "sixth-order powerhouse" to gasp in shock, barely believing his own eyes.

Yet, the white-clothed man acted as if he'd done something insignificant, comforting the raging "Black Dragon Horse". Only when the "Black Dragon Horse" calmed down did he turn around with a smug smile, scrutinizing the crowd in front of him.

Unfazed by the hundreds of people before him, this white-clothed man showed not the slightest trace of trepidation. Instead, his gaze and demeanor suggested he was scrutinizing his subordinates.

Despite appearing to be around thirty, the man projected a sense of neatness and efficiency, his long dark hair cascading down to his shoulders and his skin flawlessly white, dressed in finely crafted white clothing. By comparison, everyone – even Su Yu and Jin Fuhua, the leader of Peach Blossom Town – seemed like country bumpkins.