Chapter 396: Master of the Main City (4th Update)

Su Yu was lost in thought when suddenly the little girl from "Black Iron City" walked up to him. Two small pentagrams appeared in her eyes as she stared at Su Yu, she stretched out her hand and pointed directly at him: "Dark Heart, it's in you."

Su Yu was startled, he lifted his head and looked directly into the girl's eyes.

Her eyes were like two black holes that could devour a person's soul. At the same time, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. The "Dark Heart" that had always been dormant was undergoing unusual changes.

A peculiar expression appeared on Su Yu's face. The tall Anoka, who had been watching the dwarf city lord of "Earth's Core City", was also taken aback by the little girl's words. He swiftly turned around to look at Su Yu.

At that moment, Su Yu saw a terrifying light flash in Anoka's eyes. The light was like two blinding bolts of lightning piercing into Su Yu's eyes, making his vision blur temporarily.