Chapter 399 Call of the Blue Giant God (First Part)

"Break——" the white-haired elder roared, exuding majesty as if a sovereign emperor ruling over a vast realm. His power was unsurpassed, the previously unbroken pentagram shield that had been jointly defended by fifty seventh-order experts crumbled with a "crack", shattering into pieces.

The little girl cried sharply, blood suddenly seeping from her eyes. Anoka's expression changed drastically as he held her closely, his usually impassive face revealing shock and dismay. The power exhibited by this white-haired old man far exceeded his expectations, and was completely unpredictable.

Since obtaining the "Sealing Eye", Anoka had been planning this all along. He knew that during this time of year, on the Master of the Main City's birthday, they would inevitably be summoned to attend. His plan was to rebel at this moment and decapitate the Master of the Main City in front of all the city lords, crowning the little girl in his stead.