Chapter 401: Sky Main City (Third Update)

At this moment, it finally dawned on him that the main city was built atop a floating island in the sky, a genuine City of the Sky.

Yet now, the Green Giant God, carrying him and Lei Leian, took a mighty leap and jumped off the floating island, falling rapidly towards the earth below.

Unaware of the height, Su Yu only felt the Green Giant God carrying him and Lei Leian, suddenly plummeting into the sea with a deafening crash, causing a massive tidal wave that rose thousands of feet into the air.

The impact was truly horrifying. Even with Su Yu's robust physique, he felt a dizzying shock in his mind and lost all consciousness, fainting on the spot.

After what seemed like a long time, Su Yu barely regained consciousness, feeling a splitting headache. When he tried to sense his body, he was shocked to find the life force he gained from devouring a thousand Day Coins had been completely drained.

"Ada." He called for Ada as he sat up after regaining consciousness.