Chapter 409: Power of Transgression - Azure Sky Giant Hand (5th Update)

Right at this moment, high in the sky, a giant hand, colossal as the Azure Sky, tore through and came crushing down. In an instant, it clinched the little girl and the three balls of looming darkness clouds she was concocting.

This sudden event even shocked Su Yu, prompting him to cry out involuntarily. Anoka, who had fled a significant distance, couldn't help but scream out, "Impossible..."

As the hand of the Azure Sky Giant clamped down, the little girl's eyes instantly dispersed. She coughed up blood as the three clouds of darkness behind her immediately dispersed. The giant hand paused, its initial intention being to obliterate the little girl completely. However, with the dispersing of the darkness, the overstepping power vanished and the hand altered its course to fling her away.

With a "whoosh," the girl shot away like a meteor, her destination unknown. The gigantic Azure Sky hand, having flung the girl, swiftly retracted, faded, and questioned its very existence.