Chapter 417: Ocean and Fire Hell (First Update)

Su Yun became startled, and she and several other women turned around. They saw that at some unknown point, right behind them, stood a young man.

This man was strikingly handsome, although he had a pale complexion as if deprived of sunlight for days. His lips were somewhat blood-red in contrast to his pale skin. His entire body radiated a chill stiffness, yet his features were exquisitely refined. He was clad in a set of luxurious, black clothes, which made him look nearly perfect in his handsomeness.

Seeing Su Yun turn her head and look at him, the man squeezed out a smile on his pale face and repeated, "I bought it for you." He stepped forward, took out two "Day Coins", and handed them to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper graciously accepted it. Su Yun was taken aback and asked, "Hey, who are you? Why are you paying for me?" She had not expected that a man would suddenly appear and pay for her. Lei Rui and Zhou Birong also sensed something unusual, but they were not afraid.