Chapter 427 Collective Annihilation (2nd Update)

Both sides have clashed forcefully, as the Golden Giant Ape Beast slammed into the Black Scaled Lizard. Su Yu stretched out his right hand and grabbed the Golden Giant Ape Beast's arm. As they engaged in close-combat, the ground shook. The Golden Giant Ape Beast, possessing great strength, lifted Su Yu's morphed Black Scaled Lizard Beast off the ground with a grip and throw, then slammed it down hard.

With a loud "boom", Su Yu's morphed Black Scaled Lizard was slammed heavily onto the ground and its black scales shattered. Meanwhile, Su Yu entwined his arms around the Golden Giant Ape Beast at the same moment, throwing it far from him similarly.

With a "thud", the Golden Giant Ape Beast was launched against a cliffside, while Su Yu twisted his body and stepped forward quickly, his right hand transformed from the Black Scaled hand into a Golden Claw.