Chapter 434: Yalasa Clan (Sixth Update) _2

A massive energy crystal instantly entered Zhang Zhongmou's body, while Su Yu, wielding the "Apocalyptic Storm," swept up four or five Yalasa Clan monsters coming head on.

Su Yu and Zhang Zhongmou, a duo against thousands, charged toward the skyscraper ahead, with others closely following behind. Superior Wu Tian from "Tianquan City" and his team of six were hot on their heels.

At this moment, monsters began to emerge from all directions, and colossal ships continued to appear in the sky, transporting humanoid monsters of the Yalasa Clan.

Everyone displayed their abilities. Wu Tian, the city lord of "Tianquan City," mutated into a towering figure of over two meters, with no light shone on him, summoning a black trident in his right hand. His power to transform into a Demon Envoy, coupled with his status as a city lord, and his Level 7 peak power made him second to none.