Chapter 444: Insurmountable Power

Meanwhile, Zhou Lin's power manifested as a giant mechanical wheel, a meter in diameter, against his back. This wheel held numerous firearms, shotgun, sniper gun, assault gun, small four-round grenade launcher, and a highly destructive rocket launcher. Indeed, he was a mobile arsenal himself.

Zhou Lin's ability was quite similar to Lin Shi's. If Lin Shi had evolved into a Seventh Stage Expert, he perhaps, would have such formidable firearm powers. Regrettably, Lin Shi would no longer have such opportunity, as he had forever fallen during his evolution to Fourth Order Black Iron Warrior.

At this moment, as Zhou Lin revealed the giant wheel on his back, it constantly rotated with his thoughts, firing bullets from every firearm it spun to, particularly the rocket launcher. With a hissing sound, people afar saw a flash of fire, followed by a "boom" of an earth-shaking explosion.