Chapter 451: The True Faces of the Ten Great Giant Cities

Witnessing the shadowy figure shift, when it reappeared, Lei Leian and Su Yu were already standing at the entrance of a sky-blue palace.

At the entrance of the palace, four guards, dressed in the same sky-blue armor, were standing. Seeing Lei Leian and Su Yu appear suddenly, they were slightly taken aback. However, upon recognizing Lei Leian, they immediately paid their respects, saying, "Inspector General."

Su Yu smiled faintly. Clearly, Lei Leian had visited this place before in her capacity as the 'Sky Main City's' Inspector General, therefore, these people remembered her. However, they were unaware that Lei Leian, the current Inspector General, had been promoted to the position of the City Lord of the 'Sky Main City'.

Soon, a guard sent up the notification. Before long, the City Lord of 'Star Moon City', respectfully came to meet them.

If the guards by her side were unaware of Lei Leian's current position as the City Lord, how could this 'Star Moon City Lord' not know?