Chapter 453: Xuanji City (First Update)

Every day, during his bout of excruciating pain, Su Yu unwittingly discovered that Lei Leian can alleviate this torment. Without a second thought, he tightly embraced Lei Leian.

For the first time, holding a girl so close, Su Yu could not help but recall the day he saved Meng Ting in Freedom Village using just his fingers. Although his eyes were blindfolded, and he hadn't seen Meng Ting's body, the feelings and impulses at that moment attacked him once more.

Soon, Su Yu felt his body burning, and Lei Leian, who he held in his arms, was equally hot. As their eyes locked, both of them appeared bewildered and carried a passionate expression on their faces.

Unable to resist, Su Yu bent down to kiss Lei Leian, but the moment he touched her cheek, Lei Leian suddenly woke up as if from a trance and screamed, "No—" and pushed him away violently.

Lei Leian, a Seventh Stage Expert, exerted a force so sudden that Su Yu, caught off guard, was shoved and tumbled away.