Chapter 455: Son of Disaster (3rd update)_2

It was indeed this that summoned the giant heavenly hand.

Su Yu, pulling Lei Leian, tried to avoid the disaster, but before long, the chaos and the earth's tremors subsided. Behind the little girl, three demon shadows were fading away. Soon, she squatted down and held her shaking body with her hands covering her face, as though she was crying.

The strange behavior of the little girl startled Su Yu and Lei Leian, and the others. Su Yu, who had intended to leave amidst the chaos, couldn't help but stop and watched the little girl with her face covered as if she were crying. Soon, the scattered villagers, still in shock and fear, came back, and then someone shouted angrily and rushed to punch and kick the little girl lying on the ground.

The little girl did not resist and allowed their assault. Meanwhile, the villagers continued to beat her and swear, "Demon, why don't you go die? Look at how many people you have killed again. Why don't you just die - why can't you be killed-