Chapter 457: Ruins of the Ancient Shrine

On the sixth day in the "Demonic Forest", they hadn't found anything. By the afternoon of the seventh day, even Lei Leian was beginning to get anxious. Finally, they saw a building from a distance.

"Huh?" Lei Leian, having found nothing for days, gave a slight gasp upon seeing a structure. She started sprinting towards it and Su Yu, along with Ada, hurried after her.

As they got closer, they realized that it wasn't just a building, but an ancient ruin.

Before them were the remnants of a semi-collapsed structure with a few towering pillars still standing. Though most of it was buried under the hillside, they could faintly see traces of its former grandeur. The ruins were overgrown with various plants and ivy. Judging from the surroundings, it was apparent that the structure had been abandoned for a very long time, untouched by humans or animals.