Chapter 458: The Mystery of the Black Iron Fragment_2

Besides the giant raptor, three people had just jumped down from its back. Among them was a dignified middle-aged man who appeared to be around forty with a cloak of black draped over him. His face was filled with authority, indicating a man accustomed to being in high places. On his left and right were men in their thirties.

These men laid their eyes on Su Yu and Lei Leian, they all gave a slight gasp and had a peculiar expression. Many who had undergone trials would display such an expression upon their first meeting with Lei Leian. Lei Leian was used to this and didn't mind much. Then the three men's gaze fell on Su Yu and out of them, two gave a slight gasp, feeling the same surprise. Only the man in the middle, the authoritative figure, remained silent.

Su Yu lifted his head, observing these three men. He understood why those men on the left and right would be astonished to see him as they had already met before.