Chapter 461: The power to rule the world (6th Update)

Ada hummed in agreement, saying, "Very likely indeed. If this is the case... I have no idea what those guys are planning, but since we've bumped into this, let's go and take a look. Given that this iron fragment was a reward from the trial, it should bring some benefit."

Soon enough, the group made up their minds. Under Ada's guidance, they ventured back into the ruins of the shrine under the cover of darkness. Ada held the ancient parchment in her claws, observing it and giggling, "It's quite coincidental. The City Lord of the Great Landlord City, Anhuan, somehow acquired this blueprint but lamented over the lack of a key. Finally, when he got the key, it was only to pave our way. He probably died without knowing how it happened."

Su Yu thought of how Anhuan was instantly blasted into a pulp. Indeed, he probably died without understanding what had transpired. The Demon God dormant within the little girl Feng'er was truly horrifying.