Chapter 463: Indestructible Body (Second Update)

The head sighed, "A tiger forced to hunt sheep, a dragon trapped in a shallow pool, what's there to be picky about now? We have to make do, for now." As he spoke, the head jumped with a "grunt" and landed steadily on this wooden figure without a head. Soon, the wooden arms and legs of the figure could move. Su Yu noticed that underneath the head, there was a faint golden glow spreading to the figure's body, which then made it move like a normal person.

The head controlled the wooden body, swaying its arms and kicking its legs to get used to it, then laughed, "Not bad, not bad. Although it's not as good as my real body, it's better than nothing."

Lei Leian stared in bewilderment, finding the situation quite funny, she laughed, "Mr. Head, you seem quite powerful, able to use any wooden framework as a body."

The head looked pleased, "These are just small tricks, nothing strange. You kids really lack experience, everything fascinating you."