Chapter 470: The Heritage of Power_2

Su Yu responded affirmatively, and followed the Wooden Man in. Behind him, Zhang Zhongmou, Su Yun, little girl Feng'er, and Diudi were all trailing behind.

The rundown palace seemed mundane, filled with scattered stones or fallen ceiling slates, nothing exceptional. But as they walked through the main hall, several long corridors leading to different wings of the palace came into view. The Wooden Man chuckled, "This palace is quite large." He chose one of the corridors and headed in. Su Yun explained, "We were curious and decided to explore separately. But not long after, we all quickly came out, except for Ziye, who mysteriously disappeared."

Su Yu nodded silently as they all followed the Wooden Man to the end of a corridor, leading to another palace. This one was relatively well-preserved, yet just as empty. Su Yun continued, "All the palaces we inspected were empty. We have no idea how Ziye disappeared."