Chapter 472 Achieving Immortality? (2nd update)

His voice was filled with hatred, but what predominated was fear and awe.

Could it be, this tri-race alliance operation will fail, and Ao Lei will be immortal?

Ma Ziye broke through the Seventh Order and safely returned. Together with Su Yu achieving the Eighth Stage Realm of a City Lord, a grand banquet was held in the great hall of "Black Iron City" that night. Fang Jiong personally cooked; in the present "Black Iron City", Fang Jiong was undoubtedly the top chef. Though now he rarely cooked himself, he mostly spent his time researching various recipes. Especially in this world, there were many ingredients that were nonexistent in his previous world. Fang Jiong, combining these ingredients in different proportions, was able to produce various exquisite dishes.

At present, it could be said that Fang Jiong was obsessed with his research. If it hadn't been for Su Yu's return today, he would never have cooked personally.