Chapter 670 Unification of War Beast and Crossing the Immortal_1

Cain responded with a nod, "Yes, if the King of Thunder is killed, the Silver Empire will have no choice but to strike against the Black Warriors. The Elder of the Second saving the King of Thunder thus prevents conflict between the Silver Empire and the Black Warriors. They have also accurately predicted the characters of the King of Thunder and the Elder of the Second, and considering our 'Amori City's' position, we will inevitably act against the Black Warriors."

Akaski sighed, "What's most important is that they foresaw the Elder of the Second stepping in to save the King of Thunder. We all mistook the Black Warriors for their backers and potential forces, which led to this conflict... In this move, we have lost."

Cain said, "If our calculations are correct, having lost one fifth of our forces, the Silver Empire will certainly strike at us at this critical juncture."