Chapter 69: The Perfect Great Law, Enlightenment Enhanced! (Please save, please vote!)

Within the Martial God Hall, ten 2-hour periods had passed, but outside, only a little over three periods had passed. After resting against a tree, with the day gradually dawning, Shi Xiaole continued his journey.

Traveling intermittently, by the time Shi Xiaole was about to reach Mountain Luyan, he had already trained his Illusory Form Great Method to major accomplishment.

The major accomplished Illusory Form Great Method had enhanced Shi Xiaole's Stone Touching Qi Cyclone by a fraction. Simultaneously, the mental energy spread by the Qi Cyclone had stretched from ten meters to eleven meters.

What excited Shi Xiaole most was that his depleted mental energy had recovered about sixty percent.

The human body's essence, energy, and spirit, even one fraction less would result in two different states. Take the comprehension of martial arts as an example, sometimes the ability to successfully understand might hinge on a tiny fraction of comprehension.