Chapter 144: The Realm of Unity between Human and Sword

Will Mountain, Iron Puppet Valley.

Shi Xiaole stepped onto the huge stone platform.

According to the Will Sect's rules, he had to walk from the middle to the other side of the stone platform, passing through sixteen iron puppets' attacks, without using his flying skills. Only then would it be considered as passing the trial.

When Shi Xiaole was still ten feet away from the iron puppets, they sprang into action.

This was not the same as the puppet guards at the Bloody Red Altar.

Then, confined by the width of the underground passage, only three puppet guards attacked at a time. Even if surrounded, at most six puppet guards would be attacking from all sides.

The iron puppets in the Iron Puppet Array, however, were much more formidable than the puppet guards, and there were sixteen of them attacking at once. Within an instant, they created a suffocating pressure.