Chapter 175: Bird Crossing Skill (Thank you everyone for the monthly tickets, added one more update)

"If you want to die, just move a muscle and find out."

With a slight flick of Shi Xiaole's hand, a shallow cut, half an inch deep, appeared on Qin Wuye's neck. His indifferent and icy tone made Qin Wuye stiff all over.

The next moment, he slumped to the ground, Shi Xiaole pressing on his acupoint.

The Peach Forest Sect's high-ranking warriors around them stood still, unsure whether to attack or retreat as they felt a sword hanging over their heads, leaving them immobile out of fear.

"Abandon your martial arts, and I will spare your lives."

Shi Xiaole commanded.

The eighteen warriors changed color immediately. For many in the Martial World, resignation from martial arts is a worse fate than death itself; the downfall from being an expert to a regular person can literally drive a person insane.

Swish, swish.